
Every few years the “plastic” rod companies change their rods trying to make the ultimate fly rod, They change design, material, construction, hardware and even color, then give them new technical sounding names. Fishermen love to talk about those new rods. But when the quiet guy pulls his bamboo fly rod out and strings it up, like an old friend and fishing companion it no doubt is, he doesn’t say anything, he doesn’t have to.

Arundineria Amabilis or Tonkin Cane, the same material used for over 100 years in the construction of quality bamboo fly rods, the reason more and more serious fly fishermen fish bamboo. Nature has been perfecting this material for thousands of years. The quiet guy knows this and what it does to the rods action and sensitivity. Besides, they are warm, natural and romantic, reeking of craftsmanship and tradition, quietly high tone and,…… bamboo rods just make him feel good.
